Monday, January 26, 2009


Welcome Olive - the newest Stokinger. An 8 week old Jack Russell Terrier. She came home to us on the 17th of January - it has been fun...but I am a bit tired

Isn't she cute?

She was the kids' Christmas present. They opened up a little box with her pictures and her collar and tag because she was no big enough to come from her mama yet.


  1. I found your blog again after many months of not checking it. I'm in love with your dog already! Love the name, love the little face... LOVE! Jack Russels are crazy though, I hope she doesn't drive you into total insanity! I'll take her if she does.

  2. What a cutey! I am counting down days till cookies. Nice job on the weight loss!!!! I will be joining the team in a few months. How are things?
